My favorite TV show

Wow, is very dificult to me choose just one tv show because I love to watch series, but I decide to choose one of the most meaningful for me. This is a animated show produced by netflix called Bojack Horseman.

This show was created on 2014, and in the current month the 6th season would be released, I am very excited for it, but also I am sad, because it is the final season.

Bojack Horseman is a adult animated show about a anthropomorphic horse, who lives in a word with many anthropomorphic animals and humans. He is an actor who was very famous in a 90´s sitcom, but in 2019 he is a depresive, a drug addicted and alcoholic person, etc. Each episode shows the everyday life of this guy and the interactions with all the amazing characters.

This tv show is very deep and sad sometimes, but also has so many hilarious moments, weird humor but funny after all.

Bojack Horseman is one of my favorite tv show because, the creators show me a very dark world behind Hollywood and about to be a famous person, besides the show present topics related with depression, and all kind of psychological illnesess.

One of my favorite episode is when it was Bojack's mother funeral, named "Free churro". In this episode Bojack made a funeral speech which lasts the entire episode, he talks about many things but in the last escene of the episode, he realices that he was in the wrong funeral, it was so funny.

Bojack is not just a good story, because they also had an incredible artist director, the woman how creates the desing of the show, Lisa Hanawalt.

This show is amazing 100% recommended.

This is from the episode "Free churro"


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