My Best Friend

I´m not the kind of person who has many friends, but the friends that I have are very important to me.

My best friend in the whole world is Fran. I met her when I was very young, maybe 4 o 5 years old, and she was my age too. We met the first time in a park near my home, we live in the same apartment building, that´s why our moms took us to this park. I actually don´t remember that moment, because I was very young, but my mom told me that.

Since we met we have been best friends, we spend all our childhood and adolescence together, even though we never went to the same school, we always found time to go to the cinema or make sleepovers.

My favourite memories for our friendship was when went go to camp near a lake. We spent those days of summer eating icecream and listening to Taylor Swift and One Direction´s music.

Right now she is studying veterinary, we don´t have so much time to spend together, but we chat all the time.

She´s an amazing friend, she´s always there for me when I need her, that's because Fran is my best friend forever.


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