History of Design, my favorite subject

I like almost all the subjects that I take in this term, but I decide to choose the subject called “History and culture of Design”.
When I was in school I´d really like history, especially universal history, all relative about wars and revolution are really interesting for me.
I really like design history because it is very specific, but it is influenced by all the historical process that happened. For example, industrial revolution is essential for the manufacturing of objects and the construction of buildings that we use today.
The other important cause that make me love this subject is the teacher. His name is Rodrigo Vera, he is a nice person, and a really good academician. I never feel lost about the topics that he talks about, because he explains really well.
Design history made me open my eyes to a new world, because everything that was created by humans is relative to design, every moment in history made an effect in design, and design made changes in our live and culture, so, it´s like a circle.
 These are the reasons that make me love history of design.

Peter Behrens

Bauhaus, Germany



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